May 24 - 31, 1999

Uplift, Sea Level Changes, Paleoseismicity, Climate, Coastal Dynamics, Science & Culture

Organized under the auspices of INQUA Neotectonics Commission, INQUA Shorelines Commission, the IGCP 437 Sea Level Project and the ILP II-5 Theme on Earthquake recurrence through time.


Theme of the excursion:

The glacial isostatic uplift from the center (shoreline at +294 m) to the periphery. The tilted shorelines. The evidence of sea level oscillations. Their interaction with climate and oceanic circulation changes. The climatic changes. The cooling at ~2500 BP. The short-term fluctuations. Sedimentary sequences. Evidence of high seismic activity at around the time of deglaciation. Paleoseismic indicators; faults, fractures, liquefaction, turbidites in the varved clay. Paleotsunamis. The varved clay chronology and its use in paleoseismology. Coastal dynamics; regressional coasts, transgressional shorelines, morphology of beaches.


Nils-Axel Mörner (Sweden)


Per Einar Tröften (Sweden), Rabbe Sjöberg(Sweden), Douglas Grant (Canada)


Ryo Anma (Japan), Franck A. Audemard (Venezuela), Michaela Banzhaf (Germany), Carlo Bartolini (Italy), Helmut Briickner (Germany), Mauro Coltorti (Italy), Sue Dawson (UK), Francesco Dramis (Italy), Callum Firth (UK), Donn S. Gorsline (USA), Jan Hagedoorn (Germany), Stein Kjetil Helle (Norway), Aimo Kuivamäki (Finland), Jacques Laborel (France), Francoise Laborel (France), Nicole Lenotre (France), Jiun-Chuan Lin (Taiwan), Shmulik Marco (Israel), Yossi Mart (Israel), Giuseppe Mastronuzzi (Italy), Alessandro Michetti (Italy), Andrei Nikonov (Russia), Odlei Olesen Norway), Giovanni Palmentola (Italy), Yong Ahn Park (Korea), Pierluigi Pieruccini (Italy), Paolo Pirazzoli (France), Toshihiko Shimamoto (Japan), Roy J. Shlemon (USA), David Smith (UK), Kaj Strand-Petersen (Danmark), Phillip A. Teasdale (UK), Michael Tooley (UK), Eutizio Vittori (Italy), Yoshihiro Uemura (Japan), Shyh Fang Yang (Taiwan), Hi-il Yi (Korea), Sten Lindblom Sweden)

The excursion started in Umeå on the Baltic shore at 64° N
and ended in Båstad on the Swedish West coast at 56.5° N.
Day 1: Umeå - Iggesund: sea levels, climatic fluctuations, paleoseismic records, the maximum uplift, the mm/yr uplift coast, the varve chronology and the curve of shore displacement.

Day 2: The Iggesund area: the Boda cave system, the 9663 BP paleoseismic event, varves,liquefaction structures, turbidites, tsunami beds.

Day 3: Iggesund-Stockholm: further data on the 9663 BP paleoseismic event, the Uppsala esker and coastal dynamics, the old water marks, the 7000-6000 BP Littorina beaches, the Uppsala mounds.

Day 4: Stockholm-Åker: deglaciation, glacial morphology, shore marks, Lyell's oak, the Wasa museum, the 10,430 BP paleoseismic event and 5 successive events, the paleoseismic use of the varve chronology.

Day 5: Åker to Horred: 10,500 years' shore displacement, lake sequences, details of the last 3000 years, climatic fluctuations, the onset of iron ore industry, canoeing in a fracture valley, etc.

Day 6: Horred to Hovs Hallar: the Viskan Valley: deglaciation and shore displacement, evidence of sea level oscillations, the Alleröd/Younger Dryas stratigraphy, shore marks, regression/transgression sequences.

Day 7: Torekov - Båstad: the Båstad area (the Bjäre Peninsula), 13,000 years' shore displacement, evidence of sea level oscillations, beach dynamics & morphology, paleo-wind records.


We had Science, Culture and Fun, as promised.

Many, many thanks, Niklas.


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Comments and suggestions to:

Maria Assunção Araújo:

Last update: 30/June/1999
